Tuesday, 17 April 2018

ISIS: Sex Slaves – part 1

Qur'an (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"
Qur'an (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess..." This verse permits the slave-owner to have sex with his slaves. See also Qur'an (70:29-30).
Qur'an (4:24) - "And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." Even sex with married slaves is permissible.
Bukhari (62:137) - An account of women taken as slaves in battle by Muhammad's men after their husbands and fathers were killed. The woman were raped with Muhammad's approval.
In part one of our two part series on Islam and sexual slavery I thought it best to highlight the text used by Muslim men to ascertain their right to use and abuse women as they see fit. The above is quoted from religious and historical text, and one cannot deny the blatant disregard for the value placed upon women in general.
The Rubin Report provides footage of just how these men interpret the preceding text.

To watch the full disturbing video, follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBvVCQybu0s
Again, as mentioned in previous articles, this is not content hidden somewhere in the dark web, available only to a few select high ranking officials. This is available on YouTube, yet the debate lingers on whether or not this is happening.
The fact is this IS happening, daily, and little to nothing is being done to stop this atrocity. The U.N. Has become an irrelevant organization filled with agendas and propaganda, they are failing their mandate in rather miserable fashion, take for instance this passage with their charter: “Protection and promotion of human rights”. It seems sex slavery falls within what the United Nations considers outside their mandate, if not, they simply don't give a crap about fulfilling their mandate, justifying my statement that they have become irrelevant.
Silence means no, and unless the U.N. Can clarify why nothing is being done about situations such as this, we are left to assume that they simply will not, or maybe cannot do anything about these incidents.
Human rights was at the core of the reason why the United Nations was established on the 24th October 1945, and if they cannot proceed to fulfill that mandate, if they cannot deal with what we have just witnessed, and it is something 'out of their hands', 'beyond their control', then the U.N. should be promptly disbanded, simple as that. Anything unable to complete its function has no use, the U.N. should be no exception.

Sex Slavery among Islamic extremists is not going to stop without intervention, let us therefore continue to spread the word, whatever it takes, to force the hand of those in power to take action, because if we fail at this, which is our mandate, we are no worse than these politicians who talk a good talk, but fail at following through with action. Remember this, YOU can make a difference, so do it!

Saturday, 31 March 2018

The Evils of Islam part 2

The Evils of Islam – Part 2
WARNING: The following article contains images of graphic violence. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 
It is with the utmost frustration I write this article to you as reader. As you see the following images in this article, knowing that this was broadcast by ISIS, on their own dedicated propaganda driven channel. People were watching, but not on mainstream news media. There you would be entertained by the ramblings of different politicians about how they feel concerning sometimes absolute hogwash, or better yet, what's happening in the markets on Wall Street.
Don't misunderstand my frustration, I don't believe our lives should revolve around what organizations such as ISIS are doing, but when people are brutally executed in the manner you are about to see, then surely that becomes newsworthy. Especially if this is happening again and again by the same old customers, taunting world leaders, calling them out, “come on, do something?” and the world leaders take three steps back. Extremist Islamic driven organizations like ISIS have become the schoolyard bullies of the world, and those who have been elected to protect us are either being bullied themselves, or worse, looking the other way lest it becomes their problem to deal with.
Wake up world! This is OUR problem! It is a collective problem that will simply not go away, and why should they, they have no reason to fear anyone doing anything about whatever they do. They are only held accountable in isolated situations when it suits the agendas of some. Think Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi. Then they make movies about their successes, all the while, this continues to happen.
Who were these people, what were their crimes, did or do they have families, what has happened to them? It bothers me considerably that no one else seems to care. Had I not become a member to DocumentingReality.com in 2017 I would be unaware of more than 90% of happenings concerning ISIS and other Islamic Extremist activities, which is disgustingly worrying that neither local nor international news channels with all their funds and connections can simply not grant an ounce of airtime to these massacres.
Who are the puppeteers behind the lack of news we receive concerning these killings? Are there even puppeteers necessary, as humanity seems to be happy as long as something doesn't affect them directly, they really couldn't give a hoot
Until it is one of our own sons and daughters then we will react, that is what will mostly happen in times where this would be the case, there are several problems with that way of thinking:
  1. Why are we always reactive and seldom proactive in extinguishing the flames of wickedness and evil? Does your daughter really have to be raped first before it becomes 'your problem', or does your son first have to be beheaded brutally in a manner such as this before I consider it something that needs 'taken care of'.
  2. Why are we so segregated from one another as a society that I would NOT consider this anything BUT MY PROBLEM? It seems nowadays that PETA are doing more for the ethical treatment of animals regardless of location, color or race than people are doing for the ethical treatment of people towards other people regardless of the same. Rather it seems to be the defining factors whether help is on its way or not.
  3. Why has society become numb to the hurts and pains of our other brothers and sisters around the world? If we actually cared about other people in general, then the preceding images should have stirred up some emotions within you. Surely the sight of a young man's head being hacked off like he was nothing more than rubbish to be used and discarded once he served his propagandist purpose must have had you close to tears, or angry, wishing for some one on one time with that 'soldier' of Allah.
  4. Maybe the biggest question of them all is how watching things such as these, knowing about the heinous acts of organizations such as ISIS are the Islamic people still portrayed as victims in a evil society out to get them, to smear their pure and holy religion, questioning their intent to live life in peace and help contribute to a better world?
I'm not kidding with number 4, how the heck are we still hearing any world leaders; presidents and other leaders of countries pushing the agenda of the weak and victimized Muslim nation, as if the rest of the world have suddenly been struck blind, deaf, and dumb all at the same time. Well, considering our reactions to the happenings all around the world, then maybe that preceding statement is not so inaccurate, as it seems most of the world is still on the Muslim-victim-bus, but the numbers are growing, and continue to grow, to the blinkers falling off to the false propaganda, and open to the real Islamic agenda and the need to confront it head on.
I write articles such as this not knowing who will eventually read it, I don't know if the numbers will be 1 or 1000. The impact might never truly be known by me as a writer, but what I do know is this, whatever can be done by an individual, must be done. It is each one's duty to contribute to this world with the gift and platform given to them to positively combat and seek to bring about change. I write articles such as these so people may know the truth, and with that truth they must decide once and for all what they will do therewith, nothing, like most already do gladly, or something. I cannot tell you what that something might be, in most cases you'll probably know, but to those of you who say I want to do something, but I don't know what, start by sharing the truth, putting it out there. It is clear we cannot count on mainstream media, but the playing field has changed, the internet can take all the credit here, thanks to the rise and rise of social media and its various platforms, the people can share the truth, nonstop. Remember this, you are the people, they are the people, I am the people, WE are the people, and we will no longer remain silent.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

The Evils of Islam – Killer Kids

 HYPERLINK "https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f166/isis-cubs-kill-house-horrors-182494/" The above image can be found on the website documenting reality.
Islam has been accused as being a religion based on violence, evil, rape and torture. Sympathizers to the Islamic faith claim that most Muslims are not violent, and unfortunately mainstream media back their views. The realities however are not true. The same mainstream media will never show you the videos and images available to those who want to know the truth. Beware, this article contains graphic imagery and is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.

Children are being trained to kill

It is no secret that as I write this, children are being actively recruited and trained to become Islamic extremists, indoctrinated to hate infidels and kill in the name of their god Allah.
In fact, the  HYPERLINK "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/05/islamic-state-trains-purer-child-killers-in-doctrine-of-hate"UN are aware of thousands of recruits being prepared to participate in killing and murdering innocent people in the name of their faith. What is being done about this? Nothing. Politicians debating the issue far away in comfort and safety.
The image at the beginning of this article depicts a child wielding a gun aiming at something, it seems like simple propaganda imagery, however, if you follow the link at the bottom of the picture you'll be taken to a website called documenting reality, a controversial site known for it's 'no holds barred' approach to revealing the truth of what is actually happening in our world, and not the media sugar filtered lies that color the world as a place of rainbows and candyfloss. Unfortunately, this is what the real world looks like.

 HYPERLINK "https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f166/isis-cubs-kill-house-horrors-182494/" The above image can be found on the website documenting reality.

The shocking truth

Incidents like the aforementioned are no longer isolated, in fact people who have escaped Islam will tell you that these incidents of violence, along with rape, pedophilia and other unspeakable evils are normal in any  HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia"Sharia law practicing Islamic state.
 HYPERLINK "https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/i-used-to-be-an-islamic-extremist-this-is-the-truth-about-how-you-can-prevent-further-terror-attacks-a7145816.html"Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel a former Islamic extremists, now reformed, after having committed several atrocities of which he must now face the consequences of his actions through the judicial system, likens Islam to being cult-like indoctrination of the weak minded to do the bidding of those higher up in the hierarchy, all with specific agendas, nothing that can be likened or equated to honoring a holy god.
In  HYPERLINK "http://www1.cbn.com/700club/escaping-radical-islam-story-martyrdom-and-survival"Escaping Radical Islam: A Story of Martyrdom and Survival Methu, a survivor of what can only be called a brutal massacre carried out by cowards, tells his story of how over 2,000 Jihad militiamen attacked his village of Cera, killing the elderly, woman, men, children, sparing nobody. Only those who escaped would survive.

When will it end

The reality is that as long as people ignore these incidents, as long as they choose to act as if these realities are not happening, these killings, the pure evil acts will never stop. It doesn't matter how much you regulate evil, the only way to deal with it is eradicate it altogether. Not one high ranking politician will directly address these issues, rather, they will continue to dodge them. If anything is to be done about these atrocities, if the world is to know the truth, it is going to be up to you and me to make them aware, to share what we know. Will you remain silent, or will you proclaim the truth with me of the evil that is Islam?